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samedi 31 mars 2012

Time to wake up and to Save Our Seeker or "The Seeker Fever"*

Note : "The Seeker fever" is an expression created by a member of the group on Facebook (hey Dennis). All credit to him.

While I remember the exact moment and the exact place of my first encounter with 30 Seconds to Mars, I fail to remember how and when I first met the Seeker even if on my own love-scale, the band and the TV show both get a 10 out of 10.

But there's no need to worry about this, is there ? Even if my mind is blurry about the 1st encounter (I only recall that it happened 2 or 3 months ago), the most important thing is that I did meet the Seeker and that it has since enlightened my world.

Truly enlightened my world the way as Mars had done, back (nearly) a couple of years ago.

In terms of fandom, the Seeker's has nothing to be ashamed of. It is dedicated, faithful, committed, loving and more. As far as I know, powerful "Echelon" only can compete with the "Seekers" and trust me, if you knew what Echelon is capable of, you'd understand what I mean.

Those of you who know nothing yet about who the Seeker is, read carefully what will follow and I bet you'll soon get as addicted as I am...

As addicted as thousands of us all over the world are.

Legend of the Seeker is a TV show . It is loosely based on the book series written by Terry Goodkind : "The Sword Of Truth"

"Loosely based" does not mean "bad". Just because it does not strictly follow the books stories does not make the show less amazing. "Loosely based" just means that for the sake of creating a story for each episode, changes had to be made. Terry Goodkind himself wrote :

"The nature of TV syndication requires that each week's episode be a story in itself, meaning that while the TV series will follow the background story of the book, it will not be able to follow the book exactly because there would be parts that would make an incomplete episode...Sam Raimi and his team want to keep the TV series true to my vision, so rest assured that I am going to be intimately involved in the writing of each of the episodes. If you love the book just the way it is, then enjoy the book for what it is and come to the TV series prepared to enjoy the show for what it is."

When I first watched the 1st episode of season 1, I got intrigued enough to want to watch episode 2. I had to anyway because episode 1 and 2 are one story. I will not say that I was overwhelmed. It'd be a lie. I was not overwhelmed but I was very much interested.

Interested enough to keep on watching.

I got interested because, first, I love fantasy genre but also because the actors who played the major characters got into my heart (just as the "listener" got into Richard's and Kahlan's in episode 5 of season 1). So I kept on watching and the more I watched, the more I loved it. Every bit of it.

By the time I was done with Season 1, I wanted nothing but to start with Season 2. I was not disappointed....I was overwhelmed. I was getting addicted and I soon enough realized that I was deeply in love with this show with no possible way back.

I will not tell you how many times I have watched LEGEND OF THE SEEKER. It won't be decent. Let's just say that as soon as I was done with season 2, I would come back to episode 1 S1 and re-start everything all over again...

...until I decided to read the books. I had then to slow down a bit with the watching ("slow down" but not "stop"...I couldn't stop even if I wanted to anyway).

Today, I simply wanted to talk about this wonderful show (the book series is another amazing and wonderful story).

Why LEGEND OF THE SEEKER has been cancelled is beyond me. And it must be beyond many others since a campaign called "Save Our Seeker" (we want more seasons) was raised after the show was cancelled. This campaign gained the support of Terry Goodkind himself : " Fans of the television series LEGEND OF THE SEEKER have organized and formed a campaign called SAVE OUR SEEKER. Very cool. They've got our full support."

Two years later, the campaign is still raging and is being noticed :

"There is no such rumbling (yet) but we hear (often) of the fans' continued interest and it hasn't gone unnoticed by all parties involved." Terry Goodkind.

The cast also supports the campaign :

Craig Horner - Our Seeker of Truth

 Jay Laga'aia - Chase

Bruce Spence - Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander
Craig Parker - Darken Rahl
Apart from the SAVE OUR SEEKER campaign, many actions are taking place here and there. Among them, there is an attempt on Facebook to try and break the record of 1,000,000 comments on one post. Please do have a look HERE

Smart people, waaaayyy smarter than me, will explain why LEGEND OF THE SEEKER was cancelled after only 2 seasons (while there is enough material in the book series to go for a great many other seasons). You will find the reasons of the cancellation everywhere on the internet.

What I know is that would they have given the show a proper airing time and proper promotional actions, we would not now be fighting to renew the show as it would have never ever been cancelled.

My 2 cents.

Anyway. What I would like you to do now my kind reader is to watch the show. Give it a chance and watch the 1st two episodes. You will undoubtedly get addicted and you will hopefully join the fight.

It took me time to write a post about the Seeker. An Echelon-friend of mine told me this morning that there was no post about the Seeker on my blog and she was wondering if she had missed something. I told her that time was my enemy but I decided a minute later to take the time and to write about this wonderful show, about this wonderful campaign, about this wonderful cast, about the wonderful books and about the wonderful fandom...or at least if not "write" properly, talk about it so that many more people get to know the Seeker and all what revolves around him.

We would love you to be part of this fandom. We would love it if you came and joined. The show is worth it. It truly deserves our commitment and our love.

You want more ? Here are links to help :

Save Our Seeker
Legendofseeker - Journey Book
Facebook Guiness attempt
Legend of the Seeker
